a small prose poem for your reading pleasure
(british colonialism & swedish public service radio)
an hour extolling the virtues of the old-school colonial white landowners in zimbabwe (& this is 2009?)
some poetry, politics & what have you
a small prose poem for your reading pleasure
elizabeth williamson has a brief review of david wolach's book alter (ed) on goodreads. i reproduce it here because it's interesting
three poems each by jason bredle & jean vengua & two by adam fieled at pfs post
ungovernable press is happy to announce its first collection of visual poetry. & its first collaboration
rene engström. see for yourselves
my pieces of lanzarote are now up at pfs post along with four lovely poems by k. silem mohammad. we are part of the quite amazing spring line-up adam has pulled together
a new issue of otoliths with lots of great work & a cover by editor mark young